Like stars in the night,
Like planets in orbit,
Like channels of light,
Like sunsets red splendor,
Like ocean's blue wave,
is the glory of trusting
the God who can save.
It's a lovely feeling. Really.
To know that the God in whom you put your trust--albeit shakingly--will come through.
On Wednesday, my phone rang. It startled me. I never get phone calls at work.
And when I do, it's someone looking specifically for me, or someone who dialed in the wrong extension number.
I answered it. It was my mom.
"Hello?" I wondered why she had called.
"Hi! Do you love Jesus?"
"Do you trust Him with all your heart?"
"Uh huh....?"
"And lean not unto thine own understanding?"
"In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall...?"
"Direct your path," I finished. "What in the world are you talking about?"
"An anonymous donor made a deposit into your checking account for your trip to Thailand. There's no signature, but they sent a little card. It's a thank you card and this is what it says..."
She read me the contents.
"I have the bank statement here, with the card. Again, no signature--it just went through the Portland banking system. The statement--is for $1300!"
I fell backwards in my chair, unable to even think properly. Trying to comprehend what had just happened, I finished my conversation with my mom and then hung up the phone. The full realization washed over me then.
My plane ticket...and the expenses for my VISA... were covered. I didn't need to worry about it any more. In one swipe, those two problems had been cleared off my board by the loving providence of God and the gift of some precious soul who I couldn't even thank properly because I didn't know who they were.
Days later, I still haven't understood it fully.
The day before that happened, one of my friends at prayer meeting asked me how fundraising was going. With a sigh and a heavy heart, I'd had to tell her, "Slow." I had nothing else to say. I was wondering if God was really going to make me wait til the very last moment possible.
And then, with a flash-flood of benevolence and mercy...with a tidal wave of love....with the gift of one... God proved that He still is there.
He's looking out for my interests.
He's not given up on me.
Not forsaken me.
And He's got a work for me to do in Thailand.
Donations continue to trickle in. I heard of another just this morning. God is good--and so are those who are allowing Him to work through them.
To "anonymous" I would say that you will never know how precious your gift is to me. Not only because you've placed me way farther ahead in my fundraising than I ever expected to be, but because that gift came at such a time as strengthened my weak faith and is compelling me to press still higher in my requests and my trust. I don't know who you are, but I want you to know that whether you meant to or not, you have unlocked a padlock to the chains that have bound my faith inside. You can never know how much gratitude is in my heart because of you--God grant that in Heaven I'll be able to tell you.
Sometimes, it comes like a bolt of lightning. We hear the rumble of thunder, see the promising clouds, and know that a shock awaits us.
But at other times, it comes gently. No one expects it. It ripples through the outer edges of our lives, and then comes careening across the wide spaces to impact us with a blast so hard and so unexpected that it knocks us off our feet.
Sometimes, it comes like wind in the grasses.